Our body is never working against us, she’s always here to point us back home. 

We look at the body as a whole.

We are living breathing organisms, and through the relationship we have with our bodies, we learn how to be in right relationship with life and everything around us.

Every single cell, tissue, muscle and organ in our body is caring within the original pattern of wholeness and our mission is to guide the body back into remembering its right alignment.

Our bodies are intended to thrive and to be a supportive vessel for our journey here on earth.

We are meant to be pain free and in the best shape possible until the day we die.

Through proper care, touch, and realignment the body can heal itself.

The belly and womb work is the most important when it comes to a woman’s body.

Our belly and womb is the seat of our power, that which creates and births life and also, when it comes to therapeutical touch, the most overlooked part of our body as well.

We’ve been at war with our bellies for so long, sucking them in, starving and depriving them of nourishing touch and nutrients.

A woman’s belly and womb is meant to be supple and soft, free of adhesions and scar tissue, where oxygen, lymph, and blood flow can move freely and saturate the tissue, and where life can enter and unfold unrestricted. 

By working with these sacred parts, we work with the innate power that lives in each woman and her ability to heal.

Only by remembering who we truly are and rise up to who we are meant to be, only then we can taste real freedom.

Meet the women holding you:

Andreea Bucsa

I will meet you with patience, presence, and understanding. It’s an honor for me to touch and hold you in the places that feel the most vulnerable and confronting. In these spots you can find the greatest depth of your relationship to self and find bounty in the meeting of your challenge rather than trying to ‘fix’ or get rid of something that’s actually calling you back to yourself.

I am here to serve the body’s remembrance of Home and how powerful it is when she comes back into her innate alignment. My own disconnection and challenge with my body has been a constant invitation to remember that it is vital to touch and know our own bodies. Our relationship with her is to come first and only from that depth of connection and presence within ourselves can healing emerge. The power that lives within us is limitless. Once we get to know our power from within, our power can never be taken away.

Andra Ionita

As identical twins, our sisterhood has been the foundation for our own individual healing & provided an exquisite blueprint for relationship to both self & others in the world. Through all of the beauty & challenge, traveling together on this path has been the greatest gift in our lives.

For over a decade, we’ve been devoted to feminine embodiment, walking alongside one another as we’ve journeyed together on the path of healing & transformation. Through intuitive dance, connected touch, and committed practice of honoring what is, we are returning Home after a lifetime of separation from what is fundamentally ours.

In the beginning of our healing journey, we began studying emotional eating -a mind-body-spirit approach- at the Institute of Psychology of Eating with Marc David to repair our relationship to food & to our bodies after 14 years of a deeply challenging journey with it. The disconnection from the body has been our initiation onto this path.

We’ve studied in depth with Stefana Serafina through 2 years of 1:1 apprenticeship & an embodiment facilitator training at the Deep Body Institute. Through intuitive movement & dance, we’ve found great healing & freedom.

We have been studying feminine energetics with Perri Chase intimately for the past two and half years. Her teachings have been so crucial to the awakening & reclamation of our bodies in relation to our sexuality & our true essence.

We are currently studying in an 18 month women’s bodywork practitioner program in Ma School with Carly Rae Beaudry & Andrea Terrones. Their embodiment of the teachings is what has shaped our own understanding and deepening of this work. We focus on freeing the fascia & tending to the most vital places in a woman’s body, the womb, pelvis, abdomen, breasts. This work is based in the modalities of Structural Integration, Traditional Mexican Abdominal Bodywork, & Fascial Release Technique.

Now, in our hands-on bodywork sessions, we provide skillful touch & gentle holding for the many pieces of you that are yearning to be felt.

This work is an invitation to come Home to yourself.

“When we bring the body back into alignment,

the body can heal.”

Carly Rae Beaudry

In our hands on work, what we touch on is physical, emotional, and energetic:

connection to self reception touching emotions held in the tissue

inflammation in the gut digestive issues chronic constipation

abdominal pain and discomfort fatigue hormonal imbalances

scar tissue from surgery adhesions organ realignment

imbalances in the pelvis uterine misalignment fertility challenges

painful periods/ irregular periods uterine pain endometriosis, cysts, fibroids

Contact Us

Interested in working together for a bodywork session? Send us a message here & we will be in touch shortly.